My Energy 2050

ISSN: 2768-6817

Category: philosophy

#75 Theatre of Energy Activism — David Schwartz

This week we have a special guest with David Schwartz. How does the theater fit within the energy transition? As policymakers are discovering society matters. Unfortunately, this is more true in some countries than others. David’s focus on Romania deals with economic transitions experienced by the people. His productions highlight the plight of people unable to afford the bare essentials to exist in modern society.

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Prosecuting modernity: The end of cheap energy — Tere Vadén, Ep. 69

we delve into a more philosophical discussion about how energy is not just the outcome of processing raw material, but rather a source of power and control – over both society and nature. That is, we discuss common understandings of how power can be seen through government actions, but we also get into how nature holds power over humanity – and this is one of the key lessons society has forgotten.

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